Friday, May 31, 2019
Encomium of Jimmy Carter :: essays research papers
There is an old Latin saying that reads, Dimidum facti qui coepit habet sapere aude (He who has begun has half done. Have the courage to be wise.). For proof of this, you need enumerate no further than to our thirty-ninth president James Earl Carter Jr., more fondly known as horn in Carter. During his presidency, Pres. Carter showed himself prudent and often made the wise termination over the popular vote. Jimmy Carter aspired to make government competent and compassionate and his achievements were notable.Pres. Carter was probably instilled with the gift of prudence because of his upbringing. Born on October 1, 1924, right in the center field of the depression, Pres. Carter had to help his family with the peanut farming. However, he knew that peanut farming was the not the right career select for him. Talk of politics and devotion to the Baptist faith were also mainstays of his upbringing. starting out slowly, Pres. Carter entered politics in 1962 and eight years later ran fo r the Governor of Georgia and was elected. President Carter began his two-year campaign for President in December 1974. bell ringing hard against President Gerald R. Ford, he debated him three times. Jimmy Carter won the election by 297 electoral votes to 241 for Ford.Now, we could point out a number of prudent decisions Jimmy Carter made for our country. He dealt with the energy shortage, he prompted Government efficiency through civil service reform, he sought to improve the environment, and created the Department of Education. The biggest challenge Pres. Carter set about during his time in office, and the one where his virtue of prudence shined, was with Iran. On November 4, 1979, Iranian militants stormed the United States Embassy in Tehran and took approximately fifty-two Americans captive. The terrorist act triggered the most intense crisis of the Carter presidency and began a personal ordeal for Jimmy Carter and the American people that lasted 444 days. President Carter co mmitted himself to the safe return of the hostages while protecting Americas interests and prestige. He pursued a policy of restraint that put a higher value on the lives of the hostages over protecting his own political future. Ultimately, his choice to bring them home, ended in his defeat.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Homosexuals are Not Born Gay Essay -- Gay Lesbian Homosexual Papers
If a young boy has a feminine defy he may be homo inner. Also if he has a soft or high voice this would be another detection that one would be homosexual. in that location have been many conclusions and statements as to what causes homosexualism. These are the traits that normally are classed with someone who is homosexual. The popular argument in todays society is that homosexuality is something that is inherent, genetically linked to an enlarged gland in the brain or due to a particular chromosome. This would prove that it is natural, and that it is luck of the draw whether one is homosexual. There have been many studies done to prove this theory, but due to a lack of evidence it has remained hardly that, a theory. Homosexuality, contrary to popular beliefs, is not inborn and has yet to be proven.Dr. Simon LeVay, a neuroscientist at the Salk institute of Biological Studies in San Diego, conducted a series of autopsies in order to seek by the reason for sexual orientation. In 1991, he conducted autopsies on forty-one people in search of an answer (Winslow 2). Among these cadavers, nineteen were allegedly homosexual men, half a dozenteen allegedly heterosexual and six allegedly heterosexual women. His study was primarily centered towards a group of neurons in the hypothalamus structure. This structure is called the interstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus, or otherwise known as the INAH3 (Dallas 111). His reports showed that he found a portion of the brain that he believed regulated to sexual behavior in men. The gland he discovered was twice as large in men assumed to be homosexuals as it was in those who were homosexual(Winslow 2). In the same year that Dr. LeVay performed his research, there was a pair of researchers out for the ... ... even goes into what is going to happen if your are homosexual. In 1 Corinthians 69 it states, Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders will acquire the kingdom of God(Bible 2069) Clearly God does not look upon homosexual lightly. In actuality, God does not take any sin lightly. Not just homosexual sin but all sin is detestable to God. The verse that is normally ignored in 1 Corinthians when referring to homosexuality is that you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the pass water of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ(Bible 2069). There are too many holes in the idea that homosexuality is something that one is born with. If someday cognition proves that homosexuality is something that one is born with, than I believe that that person can be born again.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Role of Law in the Little Rock Crisis Essay -- Segregation Race
give updom of speech and press, or allowdom of verbiage, are fundamental rights. Without these freedoms a truly free society cannot exist. By definition, they allow the citizens to communicate their ideas both verbally and in print. There are m any advantages, as well as disadvantages, that an individual receives these rights. However, as with most constitutional freedoms, free of expression can be limited under certain circumstances. The First Amendment in the United States Constitution states ?Congress shall nonplus no law?abridging the freedom of speech, or the press?? According to the Framers, the freedom to express individual views is vital to a free government and from their personal generate the freedom to write and publish also needs to be sheltered from government intervention. Every state constitution contains securities of free expression similar to the U.S. Constitution. An purposeless safeguard for the individuals right to free expression is stated in Se ction 1 of the fourteenth Amendment ?No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States, nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.? By incorporation of the 14th Amendment, the rewards of the 1st Amendment not only include protection from the federal government, but state governments.Free expression sponsors development of individuals by allowing people to have their cause opinions and is also essential in shaping governmental policy. Also, by permitting citizens to influence public opinion by persuasion rather than violence, free expression allows for nonaggressive social change. For example, in the 1950s and 60s the civil rights movement peaceab... ... at issue.Freedom of speech not only protects the right to speak out, but the right not to speak. This includes when a person is first arrested and their right not to speak is kept by Miranda Rights. In the Fifth Amendment, a person has the right to keep dim in court if they will incriminate themselves. Still, if a judge grants immunity testifying is mandatory but nothing said will be used against you.Free expression protects us from the government. Obviously the benefits outweigh the costs, but, the negative aspects are remedied through limitations on free expression so as not to interfere with a person?s life, liberty, and property. The right not to speak is protected through various Amendments in the Constitution most noticeably Amendment 1. It is through these guidelines that free expression has become fundamental law and establishes a truly free society.
The Young Offenders Act :: Free Essay Writer
The new Offenders ActThis essay was written to show the advant matures and disadvantages of the Young Offenders Act over the previous Juvenile Delinquents Act. Also it should give a theoretical underezding of the current Canadian Juvenile-Justice system, the act and its implications and the effects of the young offenders needs and psychological health on the outcome of the trials. In the interest of society the young offenders act was brought forth on april second 1984. This act was created to ensure the rights and the needs of a young someone. Alan W. Leshied says "On one deliberate the justice and jural objectives of the act are being effectively realized while on the other hand the needs and treatment aspects of it leave much to be desired." The research of the Young offenders act is still ongoing but Leshied says that it is becoming clear that the custody positions piddle been in dispute since the act came into effect. The old Juvenile delinquency act states in sec tion 38 "The care and custody and discipline of a novel decrepit shall approximate as nearly as maybe that which should be given by his parents, and... as far as practability every juvenile delinquent shall be treated, not as a criminal, but as a misguided and misdirected child . . . needing aid, encouragement, help and assiezce."(Page 72)If a juvenility is close to the adult age of 18 years they could be transfered to the adult justice system. This means that they would be given the same sentences as an adult including and up to life in prison. legion(predicate) people have tried to correct this problem that they see as a weakness. Yet, so far their attempts have failed. Another weakness they find, is that the courts are big-ticket(prenominal) andunsatisfactory methods of dealing with crime that is not very serious.Before the fabrication of legal aid most young offenders were not able to obtain legal services. "Subsection 11 (4) provides that, were a young person w ishes to obtain counsel but is not able to do so, the youth-court judge shall refer the young person to the provincial legal-aid, or assiezce program. If no such program is available or the young person is unable to obtain counsel through an available program, the youth court judge may, and on the request of the young person shall direct the young person to be represented by counsel.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Graduation Speech: Reach for What You Want :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Life is a big store, a market. Now, before you tune out, let me explain this strange analogy. Youll get what Im saying What do heap do in life? They do what they essential to do. They spend life trying to get what they requisite. Whether thats possessions, wisdom, fame, fortune or simply survival, people everywhere adjust now are living life getting what they want. Youre probably thinking Hey, what about those people that spend their lives serving others or serving God? entail about it some more. Lets say that a guy wants salvation, hes going to spend his life attaining salvation. Lets say she wants to end child hunger. Shell work to end child hunger. spot poverty and becoming famous are very different things, the want is not. The feeling of true want is the same for all of us no affair what it is youre wanting. Its this want that makes us human and keeps us involved in this thing called life. Now you might begin to understand why Ive compared life to a market. why do people g o to the market or to the store or to the mall? Its because they want something. You want food? Go to the store and buy some. You want clothes? Buy them. You want to give a gift to someone? Find it at the mall In the same way, life is a market. You want more knowledge? Its yours if you pay for it by studying. You want skill? Itll cost you many hours of practice. You want to graduate? Thatll come out to four years of secure work, as you all have done. Now, heres some good news tonight, our market is expanding Were moving on to a new market, in a bigger build at a larger town with more people who want better things. Moments in our lives such as learning how to read or graduating from gritty school are, simply put, expansions of our market of life. But, before we move on to the big time, we need to do something that all good merchants do we need to event transmit of what we have. I dont mean for you to go home after this and count up how many cans of food you have (not that thats not important.) I mean, reflect upon yourself and your life and take your personal inventory. Look around you. Look within you.
Graduation Speech: Reach for What You Want :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address
Life is a big store, a market. Now, before you tune verboten, let me explain this strange analogy. Youll fasten what Im saying What do people do in life? They do what they want to do. They spend life trying to get what they want. Whether thats possessions, wisdom, fame, fortune or barely survival, people everywhere right now are living life getting what they want. Youre probably thinking Hey, what about those people that spend their lives serving others or serving God? Think about it some more. Lets say that a guy wants salvation, hes going to spend his life attaining salvation. Lets say she wants to end child hunger. Shell utilization to end child hunger. While poverty and becoming famous are very different things, the want is not. The feeling of true want is the selfsame(prenominal) for every of us no matter what it is youre wanting. Its this want that makes us human and keeps us involved in this thing called life. Now you might begin to understand why Ive compared life to a market. Why do people go to the market or to the store or to the mall? Its because they want something. You want food? Go to the store and buy some. You want clothes? Buy them. You want to give a gift to someone? Find it at the mall In the same way, life is a market. You want more knowledge? Its yours if you pay for it by studying. You want skill? Itll cost you many hours of practice. You want to graduate? Thatll come out to four years of hard work, as you all have done. Now, heres some good news tonight, our market is expanding Were moving on to a new market, in a bigger building at a larger town with more people who want better things. Moments in our lives such as breeding how to read or graduating from high school are, simply put, expansions of our market of life. But, before we move on to the big time, we need to do something that all good merchants do we need to take stock of what we have. I dont mean for you to go home after this and count up how many cans of food you have (n ot that thats not important.) I mean, reflect upon yourself and your life and take your personal inventory. Look around you. Look within you.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Management of a World Class Company Toyota
Content I. Introduction of Toyota move Company II. Management of Toyota labor Company 1. Coprporate Governance of Toyota force back Company 2. The Toyota mood 3. Toyota managerial problems III. Conclusion Management of World Class Company Toyota Motor Company I. Introduction of Toyota Motor Company Toyota Motor Company or TMC is a lacquerese automobile manufacturer and it is stationed in the city of Toyota in the Aichi prefecture. The relationship mingled with the city and the ac come with gave the name of the city which was previously known as Koromo.Toyota is the largest automobile manufacturer in Japan1 and it is also the largest worldwide as of the first half of 20122 by gaudiness of sold cars ahead of world-wide Motors and Volkswagen AG. The association was created in 1937 by Kiichiro Toyoda as a spinoff to Toyota Industries to create automobiles. As of 2012, Toyota own several different brands as Lexus highlife cars, Scion brand only for North the States, aimed to wards the Generation Y and 51% in Daihatsu the oldest car manufacturer in Japan. Akio Toyoda is the current CEO of Toyota, he is grandson of the creator Kiichiro Toyoda3.Toyota sire produced more than 200 million cars all over the world with their biggest market in North America 32%, followed by their home country Japan 25%, Europe 14% and Asia 11%4. Toyota is publicly traded company of three of the major threadbare Exchanges New York Stock Exchange(NYSE), London Stock Exchange(LSE) and Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). In the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010, Toyota recalled 9 million cars on various technical faults5. 5. 3 million of them was over a faulty all-weather floor mat, additional 2. 3 mil. For a faulty accelerator pedal and 1. 7 for both problems.On 14th of November 2012, Toyota announced that it will recall additional 2. 7 mil. cars over problems with the steering wheel and water pump system. This comes four weeks( 10th October) after another 7 mil. cars recalled over faulty electric windows mechanisms6. The 2010 recalls hit the company hard with huge financial loses, because of the recalls and stop of production for more or less date of the affected vehicles. Severe damage to the brand in the eyes of the public. An estimate of 1. 93 billion dollars were lost, because of missed sales, output and another recall related costs7.A 15% drop in shares was experienced by the company. Toyota is one of the leading manufacturers in push the hybrid electric vehicles. Their hybrid technologies make them the first company to mass produce such an automobile with the Toyota Prius in 1997. As of October 2012 the Prius around 3 mil. units8 . 19 other Toyota branded vehicles are also avail commensurate with the hybrid technology. So are models from the Lexus sub-brand. II. Management of Toyota Motor Company 1. Coprporate Governance of Toyota Motor Company Toyota Motor Company(TMC) is a public listed company, which means everybody bear buy shares in it.Thi s mean that the is a specific corporate social organization and management operations. Toyota is with top-down centralized itinerary of management. The company is headed by Fujio Cho, he is the chairman which in the Japanese system, that puts him in charge of the countrys and worlds largest automaker. He is only the second person to head Toyota and to not be from the Toyoda family after they stepped out in 1995. He joined Toyota in 1960 and previous titles include Managing coach, Senior Managing Director, Vice President, President and Vice Chairman of the Board. He stepped in as a chairman in September 20069. 9601966, apprentice and training employee 19661974, Production Control subdivision 19741984, manager in Production Control Division 19841986, manager in Logistics Administration and project manager in Production Control Division 19861987, manager in Administration 19871988, manager of Toyota North America Project and executive vice chair of Toyota Motor Manufacturing USA 1 9881994, president of Toyota Motor Manufacturing USA 19941996, managing director 19961998, senior managing director 19981999, executive vice president 1999, CEO and president10.The Vice Chairman of the Board is Takeshi Uchiyamada since April 2012 and also serve as Vice President of the Company. Mr. Uchiyamada served as Executive Vice President of Toyota Motor Corp. since June 2005, as the Chief Production Control & Logistics military officer of Toyota Motor Corp. since 2004, as Senior Managing Director of Toyota Motor Corp. from 2003 to June 2005. He served as the Chief Vehicle Engineering Officer of Toyota since 2003 and joined Toyota in 196911. Akio Toyoda is the President and Chief executive officer of the company.He is also President of Toyota Finance Australia Ltd. , Toyota Motor North America, Inc. and Toyota Motor Credit Corporation since June 2009. Mr. Toyoda serves as Senior Adviser of Toyota Media Service Corporation. He has been the President of Hitachi Ltd and Honda Mot or Co. since March 2009. He served as an Executive Vice President of Toyota Motor Corp. from January 21, 2005 to June 2009, Senior Managing Director and Chief of Asia & China Operations Officer since 2003 and also served as its Division General Manager of Taiwan & China Offices. He joined Toyota in 198412.The company also take on 7 Executive Vice Presidents,63 Directors, 7 Corporate Auditors, 18 Senior Managing Officers and 35 Managing Officers13. The companys top management antecedence is to steadily increase corporate value over the long term. In order to achieve that, Toyota builds favorable relationships with all of its stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, moving in partners, local communities and employees. In field committees and councils are employ for monitoring and discussing management of the company from the viewpoint of the stakeholders.In 2003 was introduced the current system of management in which Chief Officers, who are directors, serve as the highes t governance of their specific operational functions across the entire company, while non-board Managing Officers implement the actual operations14. Toyotas philosophy of emphasizing developments on the site, the Chief Officers serve as the link between management and on-site operations, instead of focusing exclusively on management. The company fork up different divisions all over the world, United States of America, The United Kingdom.In the UK the division is headed by a General Manager John Burton. He is responsible for two branches of the company, the office and shop floor. In the office part there is Assistant General Manager, Senior Manager, Section Manager, Specialist Engeneer Senior, Specialist Engeneer, Lead Administrator and Administrator. For the Shopfloor we agree the same structure till Section Manager with the adition of Group leader- Senior, Grouo Leader, Team Leader and Team Member. As a publicly traded company Toyota have issued 3,447,997,492 shares and have 668,186 shareholders. 2. The Toyota WayThe most substantial created in the managerial sphere by Toyota is the Toyota Way. The Toyota Way is a plenty of principles and behaviors that underline the Toyota Motor Corporations managerial approach and production system. Toyota first explained and summed up those philosophy, determine and manufacturing ideals in 2001, calling it The Toyota Way 2001. It consists of principles in two primeval areas continuous improvement, and admiration for people15. The principles for a continuous improvement include establishing a long-term vision, working on challenges, continual innovation, and going to the source of the issues or problems.The rules relating to respect for people include ways of building it and aggroupwork. Toyotas management philosophy has evolved from the companys origins and has been used in the terms Lean Manufacturing and Just In Time Production, which it was very important in developing16 Toyotas managerial value and busines s methods which are known collectively as the Toyota Way. Toyota uses five principles for their operations Challenge Kaizen (improvement) Genchi Gen moreoversu (go and fix) Respect Teamwork17 Another part of the Toyota Way is the Toyota Production strategy.The Toyota Production System (TPS) is an integrated socio-technical system, real by Toyota, that Cover its management philosophy and practices. The TPS organizes manufacturing and logistics for the company, how it interacts with suppliers and customers. The system is a major predecessor of the lean manufacturing. Taiichi Ohno, Shigeo Shingo and Eiji Toyoda developed the system between 1948 and 1975. 18 Originally called just-in-time production, it develops on the approach created by the founder of Toyota, Sakichi Toyoda, his son Kiichiro Toyoda, and the engineer Taiichi Ohno.The principles of TPS are embodied in The Toyota Way. The main objectives of the TPS are to jut out overburden (muri) and inconsistency (mura), and to eliminate waste (muda). The most significant effects on process value delivery are achieved by shrewd a process capable of delivering the required results smoothly by designing out mura (inconsistency). It is also crucial to ensure that the process is as flexible as necessary without stress or muri (overburden) since this generates muda (waste).Finally the tactical improvements of waste reduction or the elimination of muda are very valuable. thither are seven kinds of muda that are turn to in the TPS19 1. Waste of over production (largest waste) 2. Waste of time on hand (waiting) 3. Waste of transportation 4. Waste of processing itself 5. Waste of stock at hand 6. Waste of movement 7. Waste of making defective products The system, is one of the biggest aspect of the company, it is responsible for having made Toyota the company it is today.For long time Toyota has been recognized as a leader in the automotive manufacturing. 20 It is a myth that Toyota received their inspiration for the system, not from the American automotive industry (at that time the worlds largest by far), but from visiting a supermarket. The idea of Just-in-time production was originated by Kiichiro Toyoda, founder of Toyota. 21 The question was how to implement TPS. When reading descriptions of American supermarkets, Ohno saw how the supermarket operated with the model he was trying to run in the factory.A customer in a supermarket takes the desired amount of products off the shelf and buys them. The store restocks the given products with enough new ones to fill up the annul shelf spaces. Similarly, a work-center that needed parts would go to a store shelf (the inventory storage point) for the particular part and buy (withdraw) the quantity it needed, and the shelf would be restocked by the work-center that construct the part, making only enough to replace the inventory that had been withdrawn. 22 While low inventory levels are a key outcome of the Toyota Production System, an im portant instalment of the philosophy behind its system is to work intelligently and eliminate waste so that only minimal inventory is needed. Many American businesses, having observed Toyotas factories, set out to attack high inventory levels directly without understanding what made these reductions possible. The act of imitating without understanding the underlying c oncept or motivation may have led to the failure of those projects. In 2004 a professor from University of Michigan, Dr.Jeffrey Liker published a book The Toyota Way in which he called Toyota way a system designed to provide the tools for people to continually improve their work. 23 Since Toyotas founding we have adhered to the core principle of contributing to society through the practice of manufacturing high-quality products and services. Our business practices and activities based on this core principle created values, beliefs and business methods that over the years have become a source of competitive advantage. These are the managerial values and business methods that are known collectively as the Toyota Way. Fujio Cho, President Toyota (from the Toyota Way document, 2001)24 According to Liker in the Toyota Way the people are what pull in the system to life, working, communicating, solving issues, and growing to kick the buckether. The Toyota Way encourages, supports, and in fact demands employee involvement. It is a system designed to provide the tools for people to continually improve their work. Toyota Way means more colony on people, not less. It is a culture, even more than a set of efficiency and improvement techniques.You depend upon the workers to reduce inventory, identify hidden problems, and fix them. The workers have a sense of urgency, purpose, and teamwork because if they dont fix it there will be an inventory outage. On a daily basis, engineers, skilled workers, quality specialist, vendors, team leaders, andmost importantlyoperators are all involved in continuous problem solving and improvement, which over time trains everyone to become better problem solvers. In it Liker summarized it in 14 principles. The principles are organized in four broad categories 1)Long-Term Philosophy, 2) The Right Process Will Produce the Right Results (this utilizes many of the TPS tools), 3) Add measure to the validation by Developing Your People, and 4) Continuously Solving Root Problems Drives Organizational Learning. 25 1)Long-Term Philosophy 1. Base your management decisions on a long-term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term financial goals. It is needed to replace the short term decision making with philosophical thinking of purpose. Understanding that the organization is bigger than notes and that long term value for the customers and be responsible. )The Right Process Will Produce The Right Results 2. Create a continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface. Time management is very important, it essential not be wasted. Creating good flow of the work with materials and people. 3. Use pull systems to avoid overproduction. Providing customers with everything they want when they wanted it. There is no need for costly overstocking. There need to be flexibility with the day-by-day shifts in customer demand not convoluted forecasts. 26 4. Level out the work load (heijunka). (Work like the tortoise, not the hare. )People and machines must not be overused. There must be leveled out workload. 5. Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time. Quality for the customer drives the value proposition. Building equipment capable of detecting problems and stopping itself. Developing a opthalmic system to spanking team or project leaders that a machine or process needs assistance. Jidoka (machines with human intelligence) is the foundation for building in quality. Problems must be solved quickly. 6. Standardized tasks and processes are the foundation for continuous mprovement and employee empowerm ent. Capturing the accumulated learning about a process up to a point in time by standardizing todays best practices. Allowing creative and individual expression to improve upon the standard then using it into the new standard so that when a person moves on, to easily hand off the learning to the next person. 7. Use visual control so no problems are hidden. Use simple visual indicators to help people determine immediately whether there are problems. 27 8. Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and processes.Technology must be used for supporting the people not replacing them and it can lead to slow implementation. Tests can determine if it is viable to use new technologies. 3) Add Value to the Organization by Developing Your People 9. Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others. Creating leaders at bottom the company and not sourcing them away of the company. such(prenominal) leaders must be role-mod els. 10. Develop exceptional people and teams who follow your companys philosophy. Creating a strong, stable culture in which company values and beliefs are widely shared and used over a period of many years.Corporate culture and teamwork must be adhered by the employees for exceptional results. 28 11. Respect your extend network of partners and suppliers by challenging them and helping them improve. 4) Continuously Solving Root Problems Drives Organizational Learning 12. Go and see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation (genchi genbutsu). own(prenominal) observation and data gathering for the problems that are encountered. Verification of information first hand. 13. Make decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options implement decisions rapidly (nemawashi).Straightforwardness must not be accepted, alternative solutions must be taken into account. Also using other people for gathering information and helping with the decision is needed. 14. baffle a learning organization through relentless reflection (hansei) and continuous improvement (kaizen). Using improvement tools to determine the cause of inefficiencies and apply effective countermeasures. erstwhile waste is exposed, having employees use a continuous improvement process (kaizen) to eliminate it. Using hansei (reflection) at key milestones and after you finish a project to openly identify all the shortcomings of the project.Develop countermeasures to avoid the same mistakes again. 29 By using TPS Toyota reduced time consumption and money, while it improved quality. This helped the company become the biggest company by 2007 and be very profitable. But in recent years it looks that the TPS is not working so well or it is abandoned altogether. The recent technical problems of Toyota showed to some that maybe the TPS is not so good, but if it wasnt good or it cant be used anymore, Toyota would have not be able to go back to the top in such short time. The problems maybe ar e not part of the TPS, but rather other factors.Too big ontogenesis of the company in the 21st century. The central lead management dont allow flexibility in tackling problems. Another issue it that problems become much(prenominal) more obvious with the increase of quantity and this will result in much more negative situation which cant be handled or will be exploited by competitors. The complexity of cars is attributing factor to have more problems and this cant be solved by the managers. Of course TPS can be blamed in some way. It support normalisation in task and processes and when there is problem with one thing, that problem translate everywhere where standardization is used.And finally a problem experienced by almost all big companies all over the world slow response to problems, because of the amount of bureaucratism that comes with complex management in big organizations. 3. Toyota managerial problems The management of Toyota today are not very successful, after the big vehicle recalls there was a serious lack of admittance by Toyota CEO Akio Toyoda that something is wrong at that was most prominently seen in his press conference about that matter where he stated Believe me, Toyotas car is safety.But we will try to make our product better. Another big problem for the management is the dysfunctional organization structure and a secretive culture. After a problem experienced in Europe and this problem could have affected North America there was tyrannical no communication between the different branches of the company. 30 Instead of admitting that there is a problem Toyota denied that there are any problems with their cars. III. Conclusion As of mid 2012 Toyota is once again the leader in the automotive world.Although the problems that plagued the company for 2 years reduced their output, profits decreased substantially and the company image was severely change which led to the company losing a big sum of money and trust with their consumers, they managed to get out of the problem with relative ease. The company also realized some important things from all this 1. They could not want to be a global leader and keep all the power in the hands of the headquarters in Japan. Even though they claimed that they are delegating management to other parts of the company around the world the crisis showed something different.When a lot of the production is happening outside Japan they couldnt afford to still maintain all the power in Japan. 2. They must create friends in order to advance even if they have millions of customers. The crisis left them with no real allies and protection. 3. Toyota learned that it must maintain its reputation every minute. Claiming that they are the best dont help. Consumers want to see and experience that in the real world not just through ads and statistics. 1 Wikipedia, Toyota 2 Tim Higgins Jul 26, 2012, Bloomberg, http//www. bloomberg. om/news/2012-07-25/toyota-extends-global-sales-lead-over-general-mot ors-vw. html 3 Wikipedia, Akio Toyoda 4 Wikipedia, Toyota 5 Christian Science Monitor, http//www. csmonitor. com/USA/2010/0129/Toyota-recall-update-dealers-face-full-lots-anxious-customers 6 BBC, http//www. bbc. co. uk/news/business-20321594 7 BBC, http//news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/business/8493414. stm 8 Mike Milikin 8 Nov. 2012, Green Car Congress, http//www. greencarcongress. com/2012/11/tmchybrids-20121108. html 9 Wikipedia, Fujio Cho 10 Reference for business, http//www. referenceforbusiness. om/biography/A-E/Cho-Fujio-1937. html 11 Bloomberg Business Week, http//investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/people/person. asp? personId=646436&ticker=TM 12 Bloomberg Business Week, http//investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/people/person. asp? personId=1828739&ticker=TM 13 Toyota Global 14 Toyota Global 15 Environmental & Social Report 2003. Toyota Motor. p. 80. 16 Strategos-International. Toyota Production System and Lean Manufacturing. 17 Toyota internal document, The Toyota Way 2001, April 2001 18 Strategos-International.Toyota Production System and Lean Manufacturing. 19 Ohno, Taiichi (March 1998), Toyota Production System Beyond Large-Scale Production, Productivity Press 20 Brian Bremner, B. and C. Dawson (November 17, 2003). Can Anything Stop Toyota? An inside look at how its reinventing the auto industry 21 Ohno, Taiichi (March 1988), Just-In-Time For Today and Tommorrow, Productivity Press, 22 Magee, David (November 2007), How Toyota Became 1 Leadership Lessons from the Worlds Greatest Car Company, Portfolio Hardcover, 23 Liker, Jeffrey (2004). The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way An Executive Summary of the farming stern TPS. University of Michigan. p. 36 24 Liker, Jeffrey(2004). The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way An Executive Summary of the Culture Behind TPS. University of Michigan. p. 35 25 Liker, Jeffrey (2004). The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way An Executive Summary of the Culture Behind TPS. University of Michigan. p. 36 26 Liker, Jef frey (2004). The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way An Executive Summary of the Culture Behind TPS. University of Michigan. p. 7 27 Liker, Jeffrey (2004). The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way An Executive Summary of the Culture Behind TPS. University of Michigan. p. 38 28 Liker, Jeffrey (2004). The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way An Executive Summary of the Culture Behind TPS. University of Michigan. p. 39 29 Liker, Jeffrey (2004). The 14 Principles of the Toyota Way An Executive Summary of the Culture Behind TPS. University of Michigan. p. 40 30 wall Street Journal, http//online. wsj. com/article/SB10001424052748704820904575055733096312238. html
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Peanut Butter in Germany
Jif Peanut butter in Ger some pic Man skunk non live by net al hotshot. He must draw groundnut vine cover. Bill Cosby Part 1 Executive Summary In set up to maximize profit, J. M. Smucker could improver sales of Jif minor vine cover, its best selling harvest, into growing grocery rememberings. Prior to any expansion a full analysis of the martplaceplace is necessary. The farming with the self-aggrandizingst commercialise potential for undistinguished cover in europium is Germany (ibid 79). The country climate of Germany gives a positive outlook for mon trace nut cover, the primary filling be as a breakfast option in the profit gap category.Daily intentions ar malleable to suggest that insignificant butter be a component, an additive, an ingredient, or a snack. Jif as a stand-alone brand is a U. S. -based overlap that has never, through company initiative, introduced any of their products internationally. Therefore there is no past experience in b a re-ass market expansion. Jif has the stigmatisation business model. adept principal(prenominal) question is whether to copy the previous model for fresh entry (acquisition) or develop a new st set outgy that go out better align with the manoeuvreed market. The target market for Jif in its home market of the US is families with children with the slogan Choosy moms choose Jif. Based on the 360 degree profile of customer segments in Germany, the segments were evaluated on margin, persuasion, and deal potential. It was determined that the target market impart also be families with children in Germany. Although the target market is the equivalent, Jif volition have a real different problem in Germany, getting users to switch to earth-ball butter instead of Nutella and recognizing alternative uses. In comparison, the primary trade contest in the U. S. is getting users to switch from an otherwise groundnut vine vine butter brand to Jif.The following report instal bigemin al challenges of introducing Jif to a new market, including multiple points of resistance from the target market, such as association of peanut butter with fatty American foods, current use is only as a bread short-circuit, and entrenched competitors in the bread spread category such as Nutella and Ultje. Peanut butter is more than nutritious than the leading bread spread. Peanut butter is senior high in monounsaturated fats, which truly reduce cholesterol. Peanut butter is also a beloved source of protein for vegetarians and vegans and is gluten-free and kosher.Therefore, the points of resistance can be addressed by all the way communicating the nutritional benefits of peanut butter as well as alternative uses. Options for alternative uses of peanut butter involve integrating peanut butter as an ingredient in cooking. The communication of alternative uses could be through recipes. The main competition is in interposes. Although it is identify as a substitute rather than a reckon competitor, Nutella, a chocolate hazelnut spread, go away be Jifs primary competition in the German market. Holding 17% of the market share, Nutella is the number one choice of bread spreads.Peanut butter is currently non a large competitor in Germany in the bread spread category, as evidenced by its 1% market share. As a direct competitor, Ultje will present the most aggressive barriers to Jifs entry. Ultje is a company that has been present for a dogged time, is locally based, and has a presence in the market due to its well-recognized cartoon figure, jingle, and celebrity endorsements. To combat both competitors the tug should suggest peanut butter as a complement to the Nutella product. Selecting distributors and developing relationships with repute chain members is also a challenge.There are several wholesalers of peanut butter in Germany, which can be used to unfold peanut butter to retailers where consumers can indeed barter for the product. In conclusion, w hile the German market has high potential, it will be a difficult venture into Germany. If the decision is to enter the market around changes will need to be made, but the introductory business branding model will remain the same as in the U. S. Jif will have to be keenly aware of how their brand their marketing message, tagline, jingle, label packaging, etc. is perceived in the German market.Part 2 partnership Background Jifs flagship creamy peanut butter spread was commencement exercise introduced in 1958. Since 1981, Jif has been the leading peanut butter brand in the United States. As of 1998, Jif had an estimated 42. 5% of the market share, dwarfing closest competitor Skippy at 28. 8% (Marigny 99). In 2002, The J. M. Smucker Company leveraged the Jif brand from Proctor and Gamble. The secure of the largest peanut butter brand in the U. S. by the famous jelly manufacturer was apparent a strategical move to streamline distribution of the complementary products.Peanut bu tter is sold primarily as a bread spread, and secondarily as an ingredient for other meals. The distribution of peanut butter is most 70% creamy to 30% crunchy (Kellogg). In 2005, peanut butter had a U. S. star sign penetration rate of 93%, with an even higher percentage in households with children (see deliver 2A). Jif has historically averaged near 40% of the market share (Kellogg). Business Model. Branding is very important to Jif, and their branding efforts have been consistent over the years.Jifs marketing program has been primarily family focused, with the best-selling(predicate) tagline Choosy Moms Choose Jif. Also nonable is brand-building of the widely recognizable Jif label, with its outstanding(a) vertical bars in basic red, blue, and green. As an instantly-recognizable brand, Jif has enjoyed long-term customer loyalty. Jifs brand portfolio includes the core brand the original creamy spread on with newer varieties such as Extra Crunchy, Reduced Fat, subjective, Simply Jif, Jif Omega-3, Peanut Butter & Honey, as well as complementary products such as to-go miniature containers (Jif website).The compass point of business development in this market is very mature, and the competitive landscape is quite saturated. As a result, Jif does not emphasizing margins, as their price is rophy very competitively. Rather, Jif emphasizes increase volume among existing customers in two ways. First, they encourage increasing the quantity of product purchased by offering multiple varieties. Cannot decide mingled with creamy or crunchy, omega-3 or reduced fat? Try one of each Secondly, they encourage increasing the volume of product purchased by creating new uses and purchase occasions.Jifs website is replete with recipes and serving suggestions, including an array of international dinners from Senegalese Beef Peanut Butter Stew to Mexican Chicken Peanut Mole. You can even sign up to have Jif recipes delivered to your Yahoo or Google page via RSS feed, do wnloaded to your iPod, or sent newsletter-style to your email. A final strategy to increase volume as well as exposure to the brand is an annual contest called the Jif Most Creative Peanut Butter Sandwich Contest. The winner receives a $25,000 dollar intuition fund. The event draws a multitude of families and local media (Jif website).Target market. Jifs advertisements, tagline, and website clearly target mothers of young children. Jifs label and homepage both boast an icon construction it is the 1 Choice of Choosy Moms, and the website includes a prominent link to a Mom Advisor page. Recently, Jif toyed with a more politically correct tagline, briefly modify it to Choosy Moms, and Dads, Choose Jif. In a comparison study with other leading brands, Jifs consumers are clearly mothers or parents in the 35-44 year-old age range, and ply to be employed part-time in non-professional roles (see Exhibit 2B).notably, the primary indicator of peanut butter purchasing for all three of th e top brands is having a household of 5 or more people. Having kids age 2-5 is the second dependableest indicator for Jif (Marigny 221). commercialiseers have historically targeted children and their mothers in product advertize, and even the names of the major brands are uncomplicatedJif, Peter junk, Skippy (ibid 33). get word Exhibit 2C for a 360-degree profile of common consumer segments, presentation the housewives category as having the highest persuasion potential with Jifs existing part in the U. S. market. prise Proposition.Jif creates ob aid for their customers the choosy moms segment by assuring them that they are Americas favorite peanut butter because of their recent-roasted peanut hold. This proposition allows wide awake moms to know that their choice at the supermarket is an easy one it doesnt require a lot of time or effort, and they will be satisfied with their purchase time and again. Secondarily, since this segment values parasiticidal meals and ha ving family dinner together, value is also created by providing creative recipes via RSS feed or email as described earlier. Strategy, marketing Program and Positioning.Jifs main competitors are Unilevers Skippy and ConAgras Peter Pan, accounting for 60% of the category, plus a variety of private-label brands (Kellogg). Jif has several points-of-parity with their main competitors, namely in product allots, price, and physical lieu. All three companies offer similar varieties of peanut butter, similar sizes, and similar prices. They also have similar marketing techniques, primarily television ads featuring children shown during daytime programming. In the U. S. , peanut butter is firmly positioned in supermarkets, accounting for 95% of sales.Mass merchandisers (such as Costco and restaurant suppliers) make up other 4% (Marigny 199). Peanut butters are almost always positioned on the shelf side by side(p) to complementary products such as jelly and honey. The companies do maintai n points-of- deviation, however, in oecumenical in their positioning as described below. Skippy, the 2 brand in the U. S. , has traditionally positioned itself as the wholesome, healthful brand. Skippy has emphasized peanut butters high protein content more than the other brands, and has used celebrity endorsements such as former Mouseketeer Annette Funicello and athlete Derek Jeter (Gidman).Skippy claims to have less sugar than other brands, and in 1990 move to convince adults of the health benefits of peanut butter, utilise fresh vegetables and other foods in its advertising which resulted in a dramatic come in market share. Since 1990 Skippy has repositioned itself as the best testing peanut butter (Kellogg). Today, Skippys website (with the enviable peanutbutter. com URL) is clearly kid-focused, with games, cartoons, and a Kids Corner. Skippy is also the highest-price per oz brand of the three- they package in the smallest container size at 16. 3 ounces. Peter Pan is posi tioned as the low-price brand.Advertising and information on their website is skimpy, and the company appears to prefer to comfortably coast along in its third-place standing (Gidman). In the past, Peter Pan has attempted to target kids, then adult non-users, and has also claimed to be the best tasting peanut butter (Kellogg). Peter Pan is the only brand in the top three to have been actually recalled by the FDA due to salmonella poisoning. Jifs main point-of-difference from competitors is their obvious appeal to mothers as the target audience. As we have described, the tagline Choosy Moms Choose Jif, the companys marketing efforts (recipes, contests, etc. , and the website are very much geared toward mothers with young children. After competing tete-a-tete throughout the 1980s and 1990s on which brand is the best-tasting, Jif has settled on a subtle so far specific difference it has more of a fresh roasted peanut taste. Jif is also the largest advertiser of the three, but doesnt use consumer promotions as much as their competitors. Although Jif has been able to claim the 1 spot since 1981, it maintains a price point below Skippy. They have also taken a swipe at Skippy by pointing out the difference in product sizes on their label, Were Still 18 oz. Refer to Exhibit 2D for a product positioning map. Part 3 Company Analysis Companys capability in entering new market. Jif as a stand-alone brand is a U. S. -based product that has never, through company initiative, introduced any of their products internationally. So pickings their peanut butter to Germany will be a first time experience for Jif. Therefore, the only predictability we can use here is that of the mother company The J. M. Smucker Company. From their history, Smuckers has penetrated conglomerate food industries in Canada, mostly through acquisition. no(prenominal) of these acquisitions were peanut butter related.So as they are preparing to enter Germany with one of their most popular brands, Jif peanut butter, the main question remains whether to copy the previous model for new entry (acquisition) or develop a new strategy that will better align with the targeted market. In order to assess the companys capabilities in entering the German market with peanut butter, it is important to note that the Germans in their traditional cuisine do not use peanut butter. In Germany as in many other parts of the world, peanut butter is considered an tasteless American curiosity (Kellogg).With the emerging immigrant population in Germany, the use of peanut butter has slowly established itself over the years, although the growth rate since 2004 has remained relatively moribund(see Exhibit 3A). But based on another study of the market in Europe, Germany has the largest potential market for peanut butter (see Exhibit 3B). One challenge in entering Germany for Smuckers Jif is a general reluctance to use American products as they are seen as high in fat (Avini). However, based on the Cultura l Navigator, Germans use facts and empirical information in the decision making process and expert opinion plays a major role.In this regard, Jif may be able to enter the German market by emphasizing facts such as the nutritional benefits of their product line. Identification of business model. Since there are some very specific points of resistance in the German consumers perception of peanut butter, Jifs primary responsibility will be to build brand cognizance and break the points of resistance with effective communication. Jif will have to be keenly aware of how their brand their marketing message, tagline, jingle, label packaging, etc. is perceived in the German market.While some changes will need to be made to enter the German market, the basic business model will remain the same as in the U. S. for Jif. Core competency, activity management, innovation, and relationship management are also important to the company, but what they must absolutely positively get slump is the ir branding. autocratic the largest domestic market share in the U. S. has enabled the company to guarantee some aim of profitability through the years not to mention their effort to always drive an increase in sales volume through programs that keep the Jif brand alive in the mind of their customers.Looking at the German peanut butter market today, it is clear that the sales volume and values have slightly decreased since 2008 (see Exhibit 3C). With volume potential as a main component in the profit impact equation, Jif in todays German peanut butter market may have a surd time achieving market share and thus profitability. Therefore, increasing the boilers suit nut-based market share (which increases the sales volume as well) will be necessary to plug sustainable growth in that new market.Exhibit 3C also shows that the spread market share is large enough to permit a good market to Jif if the right marketing strategy is applied. In considering Jifs aggressiveness in attacking the U. S. market today, it will be a good tool for them in the German market where there is large potential to tap into the competitors market. Another avenue using the current market share may be to research Blue Ocean that will result in lowering variable cost and may increase the sales volume because considering increasing price to a market that is stagnant will only force the market to decrease.The success of penetrating the German peanut butter market will be very much dependent on the marketing/advertising program that is associated with it. Part 4 Customer Analysis Identification and 360-degree profile of customer segments. Segments of food outgo analyzed young families with children, young families without children, seniors, young singles, restaurants, and hotels. A 360-Degree Profile was then performed for these segments with regard to Demographics, Psychographics, and Product Usage. Demographics Young Families Young Families with No Young Singles Seniors with Children Children Barneys Best Bulk import creamy or crunchy peanutCompany has very little information online Depends on grocery store outlet butter Ultje Premium creamy, crunchy, or Aggressive marketing, including pop Pictures show these in a low-fat peanut butter star/celebrity endorsements promoted as non-prominent position next to healthful, persona snack company is marshmallow fluff, applesauce, promoted as an innovative expert in etc. nut-based snacks Algood nutriment CompanyBulk export creamy or crunchy peanutCompany promoted as an expert Forgive us,Depends on grocery store outlet butter, includes but peanuts are our bread and butter specialty distributor points such as No-Stir Natural and PB & J Stripe Calve Pindakaas $5. 49 creamy peanut butter Product promoted as healthful and specialtyOnly available online Rinatura 2. 9 EUR organic peanut butter Promoted as all-natural, organic, the Elaborate displays of all types choice for hea lth-conscious consumers of products from this company peanut butter is one of many all products have twin(a) labels REWE/PENNY discount store organic peanut butter REWE has a corner on the market since they PENNY will display the organic price own a large chain of grocery stores foods side-by-side with their obviously their label will get prominent counterparts from conventional display and marketing production.This will direct the attention of PENNY customers to ecological alternative products and new items in a targeted fashion. Other private-label3. 59 EUR (see varies varies Pictures show these in a Exhibit 5E) non-prominent position next to marshmallow fluff, applesauce, etc. Nutella 1. 95-2. 9 Euro forChocolate-hazelnut Promoted as part of healthy breakfast Depends on grocery store outlet 400g spread targeted at children sold in supply jars which can also be used for drinking hosts an interactive online c ommunity (http//www. nutellaville. it/) sells t-shirts and other promotional products Positioning of competitors product/brand. Within the nut-based spreads subsector, the competitive landscape is not highly differentiated. Products have a similar price and position. In order to penetrate the market, however, Jif will need to consider the broader-based spreads sector, which includes peanut butters alongside Nutella, honeys, jams, etc. See Exhibit 5F for these product positioning maps.As we have discussed, Jif will have to re-position peanut butter to be as useful in consumers minds as the better-selling spreads. estimate of industry attractiveness and competitors strengths and weaknesses. The worldwide market potential of peanut butter in Germany is the largest in Europe. At the same time, sales and profits are declining. We attribute that to a lack of wide acceptance of the product, rather than being in the late-maturity stage of the product lifecycle. There are plenty of competitors in the nut-based spreads market, yet the market is not saturated. Of the competitors present, we believe Ultje will present the most aggressive barriers to Jifs entry.Ultje is a company that has been present for a long time, is locally-based, and has a presence in the market due to its well-recognized cartoon figure, jingle, and celebrity endorsements. A review of online opinion polls, blogs, expatriates and former German nationals now living in the U. S. shows that of the products available locally, such as Ultje, none taste quite the same as that good old-fashioned American peanut butter. We are tasked with bringing the American taste and texture, but not the American image, since German consumers have a general reluctance to use American products. Part of the marketing challenge will be to dispel the invention that peanut butter is fatty being high in monounsaturated fat actually reduces cholesterol.We will also need to remove the emphasis on being an American co mpany and instead focus on creating a German image using local scenes and labeling. As we have learned, Germans use facts and empirical data in the decision making process, so we believe the right marketing and communication effort will succeed in overcoming these challenges. We believe the biggest competition will come from Ferreros Nutella, a chocolate-based spread or a substitute product, rather than other peanut butter spreads directly. Again, this indicates a lack of acceptance of peanut butter on its own merits something Jif, with the right marketing plan, can correct.Part 6 Channel Analysis It is important to select channel partners that provide value to the relationship, which can be through through devoting resources to marketing Jif or helping to create a competitive difference. It is important that the selected channel partners serve the target market and have an image consistent with the positioning of the company. There are several channels that could be used to get th e product from Smuckers to the end consumer. These practical channels are shown in the channel map below. Channel Map 1) Jif - Consumer 2) Jif - Online Store (retailer) - Consumer 3) Jif - market Store (retailer) - Consumer ) Jif - Wholesaler - Grocery Store (retailer) - Consumer 5) Jif - Wholesaler - Grocery Store (retailer) - Agent - Consumer The target market for Jif peanut butter shops in grocery stores, so in order to reach the target market, the channel selected should include a grocery store. Therefore, we can eliminate the first two channel options. Although the number of retail chains in Germany is increasing, there are shut away a vast number of independently grocery stores where the target market shops. Therefore, to improve efficiency in the value chain, a wholesaler could be used to distribute the Jif peanut butter to retailers who will then sell to the end consumer. However, the use of an agent may not be value added and does have a large additional cost.Therefore, we should select option four with the potential of adding an agent between the retailer and consumer in the future if necessary. However, we must know which retailers serve the target consumers in order to select the proper wholesaler. Evaluation of Potential Retailers Retail chain stores in Germany that contain food products are Real, Galleria Kaufhof, Kaufhaus, Aldi, and Schlecker. It is beneficial to partner with a retail chain as once a relationship is developed, the product will be supported in several locations whereas with individual retailers there would be many more relationships to maintain. All of these retail chains serve the target market. However, Schlecker and Aldi do not have an image consistent with the gauge image of Jif.Aldi is viewed as a discount chain and peanut butter is not a discount product. Schlecker is viewed as more of a drug store or thingumabob store and does not have a large variety of products, which is not consistent with the image of Jif. Evaluat ion of Potential Wholesalers There are 14 wholesalers of peanut butter currently in Germany as can be seen in Exhibit 6A. Wholesalers must be analyzed to determine who would provide the most value to the partnership, such as devoting resources to marketing peanut butter, a network to distribute across the country, supplier of target retailers defined above Real, Galleria Kaufhof, and Kaufhaus in order to reach the target market.Several wholesalers can be eliminated from the list as they are more diversified and the focus should be on those with a peanut butter expertise. Part 7 Country Climate (Environmental) Analysis Profiling the environs is critical to marketing success. Utilizing the DEEPLIST method the German scenario was analyzed by trends in population, current economic and political stability, technology for advertising, the familial social instauration, and food and daily life. Population. Germany is a country of 82. 3 million inhabitants of which 74% are urban dwellers G ermans have a 99% literacy rate with a growth rate of -. 053% (CIA adult male Fact Book). There are two primary trends affecting the population. The fertility rate remains well below the replacement ratio and net immigration is lowthe population is ageing rapidly as a result of great longevity and low fertility rates (EIU 13). While the percentage of females to males, in the productive age range of 15-64 years old is 66% to 34%, with an overall low replacement rate there are fewer women opting to have children (CIA World Fact Book). This will affect our long-term prospects of marketing peanut butter to mothers and children. As Germany has a negative population replacement rate there are less anticipated children to enter into and support our target market. We analyzed the opposition thorough of the prospectus, that the ageing population could potentially be a target market.The ratio of elderly population (65 years of age) to the working-age population (20-64 years of age) is f orecast to increase substantially from 32% in 2005 to 62% in 2050 (EIU 13). Peanut butter could easily be integrated as an easily accessible, low cost, high-protein option for seniors however, we found their margin potential measured low and declining, very unattractive. Economy & Politics. As the worlds third largest economy (EIU 22) Germany has emerged as a steadfast environment for business, both economically and politically. The European Commission forecasts that the German economy will remain in positive territory for the coming months but that it will tho grow in the fourth quarter of 2009 at 0. 1% after expanding an anticipated 0. % in the third quarter (PRS Group). This suggests continued stability and growth, albeit contracted, for the upcoming years. This industrial plant as an advantage for peanut butter positioning as a wholesome product, at a lower cost. Introducing the product now can position peanut butter for the economic rebound. If families become accustomed t o integrating peanut butter now it will continue to transition as a sustenance component when their income allocation changes. Politically, Germany is a stable democracy organized on federal lines (EIU 3). The democratic political infrastructure scored Germany as 13th in the Economist erudition Units 2006 democracy index.It scores highly in terms of electoral process and civil liberties, fairly high in terms of political culture and government functioning (the latter including accountability and absence seizure of corruption (EIU 9) and little political luck. It is not anticipated that issues of nationalization or high repatriation percentages will play any role in disrupting the distribution nor revenues of peanut butter. Although the strong economy and stable political system will not contribute risk factors Germany has what is currently one of the most complex tax codes in the world (PRS Group). Recent changes will affect supply chain costs and total purchase costs. For exa mple, a 3-percentage-point increase in value-added tax (VAT) was added in 2007 (EIU 11). This affects the purchase price and may deter consumers.Other taxes will play a role in the consumers decision making. Most of our target market is from the middle class who has income taxes at top of mind rightfully so as taxes subtract a large portion of disposable income. The overall top income tax rate is now 47. 5% (EIU 20). Although most families will not face as extreme a rate the income distribution, after tax, should be considered in pricing the product. Additionally, while overall corporate taxes have decreased they remain extremely high. From 2008 the headline rate of corporation tax was cut from 25% to 15%, reducing the combined rates of corporation tax, local trade tax, and the Solidarity Tax from 38. 65% to 29. 8% (EIU 20). This could serve as the replacement to any currency risk or otherwise with repatriation taxes. Technology. Implementing marketing bleeds requires knowledge of how consumers receive messages. Since 1995 Germany has had a strong history of media communication and availability via television with 373 stations (CIA World Fact Book). The birth of the Internet provided faster delivery of information and availability to the 61. 97 million Internet users, ranking it as the 6th most connected country in the world (as of 2008, CIA World Fact Book). Having strong TV, and Internet availability ensures a range of popularity options and tractability in reaching our target market.However, one potentially costly issue for a nationwide media presence is the limited amount of advertising carried by public radio and television companies, which operate under the supervision of the authorities of the individual states (EIU 9). Not only is advertising limited, it is fractured amongst the states. Contracts would need to be negotiated within each of the 16 states. Social/Cultural. The most critical environmental factors revolve around the family and its s ocial structure. The family is still the first and most important social group of people and one of the most significant social institutions (Hintereder). Women play the most essential role in the structure. While women continue in a traditional role responsibilities are changing within the classes.Currently, they face the main obstacle in career advancement of the fact that the network of childcare facilities particularly for small infants is not so good on a European comparison women, even those in employment, invest twice as much time looking after children as men. To date it was almost exclusively women who have taken parental leave (Hintereder). This supports marketing to moms and their young children. Moms select the products in their household pantry and mold the taste likes and dislikes of their children. As the employment of women increases (either full-time working moms or part-time), now at 64 percent, peanut butter can play a likewise increasing role (Hintereder).Inste ad of only Choosy Moms, the marketing campaign can also publicize for Busy Moms. Yet, working mothers alter the size of families and can decrease demand. Families have become smallersingle-child families and two-child families are typical. Almost one third of women born in 1965 still have no children today. As the social institution ebbs and flows marketing peanut butter will likewise have to ebb and flow. Food & Daily Life. After understanding the family structure the next most key element assesses fodder, nutrition, and food patterns. Most Germans acquire food from both supermarkets and specialty shops, such as bakeries and butcher shops (Every Culture). Staple daily food items include bread, cheese, pork, vegetables (mostly starches and root, CIA World Fact Book). Many meals are accompanied by beer. While the previous data in this report noted Germans appreciating a nutritious approach to their diet many of their staple items are carbohydrate based. This supports eating a heavi er, more substance based product like peanut butter. The German meal pattern suggests positive angles for where to insert peanut butter into daily life. A primary option could be at breakfast to accompany bread and the afternoon Kaffee. scraping is the main food at both breakfast and supper. The warm meal of the day is still often eaten at noon, though modern work routines bet to encourage assimilation to American patterns.Large family meals are still common at noontime on Saturdays and Sundays. These are often followed in mid-afternoon by Kaffee und Kuchen, the German chance variable of tea time (Every Culture). The meals identify which daily patterns are malleable in how to suggest peanut butter be a component, an additive, an ingredient, or snack. Hotels in Germany typically include breakfast. It is very common to find small packages of Nutella provided in hotels for breakfast. Jif currently has an on the go packaging currently in place, a 2. 25 oz container, which could be u sed to directly compete with small packets of Nutella. Part 8 Recommended Marketing Objectives and Strategy Marketing objective.Within 12 months, Jif will increase volume of peanut butter purchases among all consumer categories by providing a healthful, low-cost, convenient staple item which belongs in every kitchen pantry. Time period There are several points of resistance to enter the German market. Enough time should be taken for Jif to be able to create awareness and change consumer attitudes, but we will recommend a time period of 12 months to evaluate success. Profit impact By increasing awareness of peanut butters benefits across all consumer categories, volume will be increased both in the number of containers purchased, and the purchase occasion itself. Target market All consumer categories have a need for peanut butter in their pantry.Whether young or old, peanut butter makes an excellent bread spread for breakfast or luncheon an easy snack item a delicious ingredient i n baked goods and ethnic meals a fuel recharger for hikers a protein substitute for vegetarians, vegans, and those with dental problems a gluten-free product for those with wheat allergies a kosher product a delicious and filling product for those on a low-carbohydrate diet such as Atkins, South Beach, Zone, etc the list goes on Value proposition From the customers perspective, peanut butter adds value because it is healthful, convenient, long-lived, inexpensive, and several(a). Very few consumer products can claim all those benefits Marketing strategy and proposed positioning. Jif is an essential pantry product for all consumers among all staple food products because it is the only truly healthful, low-cost, convenient, delicious, and versatile product available on the market.Jifs offerings are different from competitors in the following ways It is much more healthful than Nutella, which is presumed to be healthful but is actually is high in added sugar and fats. It is much mor e versatile than Nutella, which is marketed as solely a bread spread. It is much more convenient than the natural peanut butters already available in Germany, which are not as long-lasting, must be refrigerated, must be brought to room temperature and stirred before useful as a spread. It is different from existing spreadable peanut butters available in Germany because it will be aggressively marketed as a quality, low-cost global brand with a million uses. Other competitors position it as bread spread only. Branding objective.Because of the points of resistance for German consumers, namely an unfavorable image of the product and country-of-origin, as well as a lack of awareness of the versatility of the product, the communication regarding the product will have to be changed quite significantly from the U. S. program. However, the product itself will remain the same, which will generate significant scale advantages. Our branding strategy then will be a combination of product exte nsion and communication adaptation. The brand will need to portray that it is a sophisticated global product, yet de-emphasize its American roots. This is necessary due to the perception of the German consumer that American products are fattening. Part 9 Marketing Mix Program Product.Since we have identified a German perception of peanut butter as unhealthful, we need to combat that belief by marketing the peanut butter types that are more wholesome. Out of the Jif product line, we will take Creamy and Chunky have been the quintessential best-sellers. The smaller sizes would be introduced first, which is 18 oz. To compete with small packages of Nutella served in many restaurants and hotels for breakfast, the Jif To Go packages should also be introduced, which are 2. 25 oz cups. Ideally, Jif should have multiple product lines and sizes in Germany so that multiple facings of its containers will be seen on grocery store shelves.This repetition of name and pattern on the shelf will help to increase brand familiarity. However, the rest of the Jif product line will be withheld initially while the consumer is acclimated to the two main peanut butter choices. The other product lines such as Jif with honey, and Jif Omega-3 may be introduced later in small quantities possibly as a consumer preference test. As peanut butter sales grow in Germany, Jif can plan to grandstand new product line introductions as well as the larger size containers, such as the 40 oz size. These campaigns will serve to reinforce peanut butter in the consumers mind, and entice consumers to try the hottest new flavor from Jif. Personal service.Jif will create and maintain a localized website for the German market, with an easy-to-remember URL which will be displayed prominently on all advertising. The website will be customer-focused, with clearly labeled sections for nutrition information, recipes, types of products, store locator, an FAQ section, a contact us link for questions or comments, and a money-back guarantee for customer satisfaction. The website should be functional yet elegant, as the Ferrero website is today. Each customer segment should be represented (a page specifically for kids, moms, vegetarians, etc. ) showing the benefits that peanut butter provides for them specifically. This will enable vegetarians doing a Google search in Germany to find a hit on the Jif website, for example. Price.Jif should be particularly cautious about pricing in Germany. The price should be maintained at an affordable level to spur consumer interest as a snack food, but not so low as to have unwanted perceptions of low-quality or that the product may be close to expiration. Any price reductions should be limited to sales with widespread advertising attached to gain customer awareness. The normal pricing level should be set very near to the level of Nutella, and with margins similar to that of the U. S. comfy margins should help the marketing team to convince grocers to provide s uperior shelving locations and multiple facings. Current peanut butter pricing is around 3-4 EU (see Exhibit 5E). small containers are prevalent in Germany therefore Jif will have a higher fixed cost due to the packaging. Price per gram will likely be higher than the Jif pricing in the U. S. to cover these costs. In Germany, we anticipate a similar price as the U. S. , only for a smaller container. Placement. Jif should contact to get the best shelving attainable initially, to get large consumer attention. End caps of isles, and free product tasting tables should be used. At the tasting tables, peanut butter should be served on fresh bread as we anticipate the product will be used that way most. In addition, the service should contain other healthful ways of eating peanut butter, such as in a celery stock. All parts of the presentation should be arefully considered to create the perception of healthfulness. The placement should be put together to appeal to mothers, and to be highl y attractive to kids in the cart as well. Promotion or Communication. Our number one end is to increase awareness of the Jif product. Peanut butter has such a low penetration in the spreads market in Germany today consumers just dont consider the product as a necessary item in their pantry. Therefore, we recommend a startling, attention-grabbing promotion that runs via internet and television commercials for a short period, possibly 30 days. The idea is to generate attention with ad that has the potential to generate excitement.After creating a buzz and an interest in the product, our next objective is to clearly communicate the benefits of peanut butter, including communication on the nutritional benefits, quality processing, and alternative uses. The advertisements will be done via television, internet and print ads that all show images of the various ways that peanut butter is enjoyed. Until a spoken segment at the end of the television or internet commercial, the images in the ads are displayed wordless. On television, the absence of words is an attention-grabber itself. Viewers who have tuned out during the commercial break may think their TV has stopped working, or their regular programming has resumed. If we can enthrall their attention and then hold it through a series of captivating images, we will have succeeded in creating awareness.Another benefit of the simple image campaign is that it can be easily reinforced in the products website and print ads such as magazines, billboards, newspaper coupons, mailers, etc. , by using the same images, thus tying the whole theme together. The website, which is clearly communicated in all advertisements, will prominently display the nutritional benefits, recipe ideas (see Exhibit 9B), and a store locator, as well as repeating the branding from the ad campaign. There are numerous examples of images that could be used. Theres the hiker who needs to refuel and pulls out a tube of peanut butter the kid opening his lunchbox at school with a heart-shaped peanut butter sandwich from Mom, or making one for himself as an after-school snack the hip cocktail party eaturing celery sticks and peanut sauce the vegetarian (wearing an I heart animals sticker to show shes vegetarian) getting her protein fix the kosher individual the dieter the German immigrants enjoying peanut sauce in a Thai hit, and mole in a Mexican dish and finally, getting back to the roots of when the product was created, theres the old toothless man with a huge smile, eating peanut butter right out of the jar. See Exhibit 9A for images of this cast of characters. At the end of the series of images, again the Jif jar is superimposed with the tagline (translated into German) Peanut Butter Its more than you think. The images are wordless, except at the very end when the tagline and a brief list of the nutritive benefits are spoken.The benefits include that the product is high in protein and monounsaturated fat which is good for you r cholesterol, low in saturated fat and sugar, high in dietary fiber and other vitamins. Peanut butter is vegan, low-carbohydrate, gluten-free and kosher. Another popular promotion in the U. S. was a recipe contest in using Jif as an ingredient with a financial prize. This could be replicated in Germany. It should be noted that all advertising campaigns will require partnering with a local firm to choose the right wording, and to make sure that none of our taglines or acronyms could be misused in a non-flattering way. Professional gross revenue force. The sales force will be tasked first and foremost with getting entry to German grocery stores and getting the premium shelving during the peanut butter awakening campaign. The sales force should be tasked with stocking the shelves, and working the free product testing tables. Peanut butter is not a discount product and the expert German salespeople should be therefore groomed to present the desired company image of quality. The Jif sal es force will be tasked to develop recipes for caterers and restaurants, and to provide comprehensive sampling and product use education to chefs. Award winning chefs and restaurants may be compensated to develop German dishes using peanut butter. Jif may sponsor cookbook authors that include recipes with Jif. The sales force should exhaust all avenues to increase German familiarity with peanut butter. Part 10 SWOT Analysis immaterial Analysis Opportunities.The country with the largest market potential for peanut butter in Europe is Germany (ibid 79). Peanuts and peanut flavoring are already present and popular in Germany, such as in Thai Cuisine or the popular snack Erdnuss Flips. Therefore Germany can be looked at as a strong potential peanut butter target market. Peanut butter is more nutritious than the leading bread spread as it is high in monounsaturated fats, which actually reduce cholesterol. Peanut butter is also a good source of protein for vegetarians and vegans. Germany is a member of the European Union which will allow Jif to easily wrap up their target market to other parts of Europe as long term growth strategy.The infrastructure is also well advanced to facilitate the shipping of products from initial manufacturing plants to various distribution locations or for the easy transportations of required suppliers. External Analysis Threats. With all the above mentioned opportunities, there are some challenges that Jif is called to highlight and be aware of in other to successfully execute in the German environment. There is the threat of a salmonella outbreak which would create a scare of consumers. One key element is the fact that Germans view American food as being high in fat. Jif being an American brand could pose a threat to the overall strategy if not well presented and the nutritional benefits presented.Also there is an existing peanut butter company that happens to be more local than Jif when starting, and it will require that Jif differen tiate itself to the customer based as a way to establish their brand in that market. Going after Nutella could be challenging as they are well positioned internationally and in Germany their brand is established and well known. Therefore, marketing Jif will require investment in time and power to compete. Overall, the spread market in Germany is very limited therefore requires that Jif not only tap into the existing market but also strategize to increase it using non peanut butter company spread customer base.Particularly, they need to focus on stealing Nutellas market share. Doing business at the international level will also raise other challenges that Jif will need to deal with such as hedging of the currency, the legal requirements of the host country (Germany) vs.. that of the mother country (USA) The company will have to opt for one way of presenting their financial statement, that may need to be converted into the mother currency with all the possible implications that comes with reporting their final profit at the end of each financial year. Jif also been a new product with Germany as their first international base, has no recognized trademark internationally.Internal Analysis Strengths. The strengths of Jif when compared to substitute products is its nutritional benefits and versatility, when compared to direct industry rivals in peanut butter is convenience. Jifs main point of difference from competitors is their obvious appeal to mothers as the target market with their focus on the nutritional benefits of peanut butter, in the established market in the U. S. and also in Germany. Jif has a strength in advertising nutritional benefits in their home market, which is experience that could be used in Germany as well. Jif peanut butter is not only more nutritious than the leading bread spread, it is also more versatile.Jif can create an internal strength by providing many recipes that demonstrate uses of peanut butter as more than a bread spread. In Germ any, many of the peanut butter brands currently available are organic, or natural, peanut butter. constituent(a) peanut butter is less convenient as it must be refrigerated, brought to room temperature, and then stirred prior to being used as a bread spread. Whereas Jif is shelf-stable. In Germany, the refrigerators are much smaller than American refrigerators and the space must be used sparingly. Another convenience factor for hotels is that Jif already has an on the go packaging currently in place, a 2. 25 oz container, which could be used to directly compete with small packets of Nutella. Internal Analysis Weaknesses.Although this program has done a great deal in addressing the gap and defining a differentiation positioning as they enter the German market, there are still few elements that remains uncertain as for their impact to the outcome. The relationship with the wholesalers and retailers cannot quite be predicted. But it is important to focus in building it right from the parentage to ensure the sustainability of the business in the long term. We need to note that Jif strategy is coming from a competitive disadvantage to current competitors as most of them have been operating in that ground for many years and had grown to establish their brand in that market.There is also the fact that this whole programs growth depend on the fact that Jif will be able to turn over the populations old eating habit to more include peanut butter. Although well elaborated, there is no guarantee that this campaign will be successful in increasing the target market of spread in general and that of peanut butter in particular. Conclusion and Recommendation Considering the above analysis, there is great potential for sales of Jif peanut butter in Germany. To overcome points of resistance, a focus would need to be placed on the communication of nutritional benefits and alternative uses. One of the main challenges is selecting wholesalers to work with and developing relation ships with wholesalers and retailers.In developing the Jif brand, a lot will be invested monetarily, and may not see clear signs that this market may increase for many months. The program that has been proposed requires coarse spending. Therefore, Jif in Germany does not seem to be profitable in the short term but could be a great success in the long run if successful in turning peoples behavior. Exhibit 2A Household Penetration Rates in U. S. Market pic arising Dairy and Food Communications, page 217 Exhibit 2B Demographic Characteristics of Peanut Butter Brand Use in U. S. Market pic Source Marigny, page 237 Exhibit 2C 360-Degree Profile of Consumers in U. S. Market Demographics Housewife Single Parent Senior Young Professional Age 25-45 20-40 55+ 25-35 Gender Female N/A N/A N/A Income unkept to Mid Low Mid Stable Mid Growing Education HS Grad+ HS Grad College Grad College Grad Occupation None to part-time Full-time non professional Retired or near professional Full-time professional Marital/Family Status married with young children Single with young children Married with grown children Single without kids Psychographics Spending Habits Conservative will cut coupons Concerned will buy cheapest Confident will take time to Confident and unusual will product no time for coupons find best value (not just try new products based on price) Activities & Interests Raising kids preparing meals atNot a lot of free time for Wide variety of activities andFocus on physical fitness and home eating dinner together activities seldom sit down to hobbies very news-focused andoutdoors hobbies and dinner together aware experimentation with new things such as exotic recipes Opinions & Values Value quality and nutrition overValue quick convenient cheap Quality matters above all Interested in gaining convenience experience and stories bargain for Characteristics Purchase Occasion Will purchase on regular trips Will purchase on regula r trips Will purchase on regular tripsWill purchase as needed may to grocery store whenever supplyto grocery store only if needed to grocery store whenever be inspired by interesting ads at home is running low supply at home is running low or new products Benefits Sought Quality and public convenience ready Convenience ready to use, Quality and health benefits Convenience ready to use, to use, relatively healthful, stable on shelf, makes quick consistency also good for stable on shelf, makes quick stable on shelf will pay for meals dentures meals Nutrition Prestige brand name to avoid cost of (have you assay) experimentation with a new brand family may not like Product Usage breakfast on toast PB&J Breakfast on toast PB&J Breakfast on toast PB&J As a staple also as an sandwiches for lunch as a snacksandwiches for lunch sandwiches for lunch as a ingredient in exotic new dish on crackers or celery sticks snack on crackers or celery peanut-butter coo kies sticks occasional dinner recipe Margin Potential Low Low Low Low Volume Potential High Med Med Low Persuasion Potential High Low Med Med Exhibit 2D Product Positioning Map in U. S. Market pic Exhibit 3A Sales Volume and Value Trends of Nut-Based Products in Germany pic Source Euromonitor, page 3 Exhibit 3B Market Potential for Peanut Butter in Europe pic pic Source Parker, page 79 Exhibit 3C Sales Volume and Value Trends of Spreads in Germany pic Source Euromonitor, page 2-3 Exhibit 5A Actual and Forecasted Sales of Spreads in Germany 2009 Sales volume in 000 tonnes value in EUR millions % volume growth % value growth 2008/09 2008/09 Jams and preserves 138 44 5544% 0. 4 % 3. 4 Jams and preserves 139. 45% Nutella Ferrero 17. 1 Schwartau Schwartauer Werke 9. 5 Breitsamer & Ulrich Breitsamer & Ulrich 5. 0 Zentis Zentis 4. 9 Langnese Langnese Honig 4. Movenpick Schwartauer Werke 3. 2 Nutoka Aldi Einkauf 3. 0 Biophar Fursten-Reform Dr Med Hans Plumer Nachf 2. 3 Bel Royal Zentis 1. 8 BelFruit Zentis 1. 0 Biogold Reformkost Biogold Reformkost 0. Barneys Best Dockhorn & Co 0. 7 Dr Kriegers Fursten-Reform Dr Med Hans Plumer Nachf 0. 6 Nudossi Vadossi 0. 4 Ultje Ultje 0. 2 Milky Way Mars Deutschland 0. 2 Snickers Mars Deutschland 0. 2 Private label 30. 0 Others 14. 5 100. 0 Source Euromonitor, page 4 Exhibit 5C Nutellas Nutrition Information pic Clicking Ingredients pic Source http//www. nutellausa. com/nutrition. htm Exhibit 5D Nutrition Panels Compared Jif Creamy Peanut Butter Nutella picpic Source Jif website Source Nutella website Exhibit 5E Local Competitors and Pricing pic picSource Photographs taken by team member Cesar Palma Perez in Germany store Exhibit 5F Product Positioning Maps Nut-based subsector pic Spreads market in general pic Exhibit 6A Peanut Butter Wholesalers in Germany Wholesaler Area of Expertise Jakob Distler Gmbh in Nurnberg, Bayern, Germany Salted and roasted nuts and seeds, cockamamie, glace, Confectionery, Roasted Nuts and Peanut Butter Manufacturing, Nonchocolate Confectionery Manufacturing, Confectionery Merchant Wholesalers Lauenburgische Gewurzmuhle Und Rosterei Gmbh & CoKg Nuts dried, dehydrated, salted or roasted, Packaging and Labeling Services, Roasted in Elmenhorst, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany coffee, Roasted Nuts and Peanut Butter Manufacturing, Packaging and Labeling Services, hot chocolate and Tea Manufacturing Irecge NussverarbeitungsgesMbh in Tornesch, Salted and roasted nuts and seeds, Nuts, salted or roasted, Roasted Nuts and Peanut Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Butter Manufacturing, Confectionery Merchant Wholesalers Schummer-Fruchthandelsgesellschaft Mbh in Nuts dried, dehydrated, salted or roasted, Roasted Nuts and Peanut Butter Birkenfeld, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany Manufacturing Rudolf Muller in Buchen (Odenwald), Architectural Services, Architectural Services, Professional engineer, Engineering Baden-Wurttemberg, Ge rmany Services, Nuts dried, dehydrated, salted or roasted, Nuts, Roasted Nuts and Peanut Butter Manufacturing, Confectionery and Nut Stores, Photographic equipme
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Daniel Bernoulli
Daniel Bernoulli(Groningen, 8 February 1700 Basel, 8 March 1782) was aDutch-Swissmathematicianand was one of the many prominent mathematicians in theBernoulli family. He is subprogramicularly remembered for his applications of mathematics to mechanics, e superfluously wandering mechanics, and for his pioneering work inprobabilityandstatistics. Bernoullis work is still studied at length by many schools of science throughout the world. In Physics - He is the earliest generator who attempted to nominateulate aki take inic theory of driftes, and he applied the idea to explainBoyles law. 2 He worked with Euler onelasticityand the development of theEuler-Bernoulli beam equation. 9Bernoullis formulais of critical use inaero propellants. 4 Daniel Bernoulli, an eighteenth-century Swiss scientist, discovered that as the amphetamine of a fluid affixs, its push decreases The relationship between the velocity and pressure exerted by a moving liquid is exposit by theBernoullis formulaas the velocity of a fluid adds, the pressure exerted by that fluid decreases.Airplanes get a part of their lift by taking advantage of Bernoullis normal. Race cars employ Bernoullis principle to keep their rear wheels on the ground while traveling at lofty fixtures. The Continuity Equation relates the speed of a fluid moving through a pipe to the cross dental ara of the pipe. It says that as a universal hired gun uninterrupted of the pipe decreases the speed of fluid f imprint must increase and visa-versa. This interactive tool lets you explore this principle of fluids.You apprise change the diameter of the red section of the pipe by dragging the top red edge up or down. Principle Influid dynamics,Bernoullis principlestates that for aninviscid combine, an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease inpressureor a decrease in thefluids potential drop cogency. 12Bernoullis principle is named after theDutch-SwissmathematicianDaniel Bernoulliwho pu blished his principle in his bookHydrodynamicain 1738. 3 Bernoullis principle can be applied to various types of fluid ascend, resulting in what is loosely de noned asBernoullis equation. In fact, there are different forms of the Bernoulli equation for different types of flow. The simple form of Bernoullis principle is valid forincompressible flows(e. g. mostliquidflows) and also forcompressible flows(e. g. gases) moving at lowMach numbers. More advanced forms may in around cases be applied to compressible flows at highMach numbers(seethe derivations of the Bernoulli equation).Bernoullis principle can be derived from the principle of saving of energy. This states that, in a steady flow, the sum of all forms of mechanical energy in a fluid along astreamlineis the same at all institutionalizes on that streamline. This requires that the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy remain immutable. Thus an increase in the speed of the fluid occurs proportionately with an increase in both itsdynamic pressureandkinetic energy, and a decrease in its passive pressureandpotential energy.If the fluid is flowing out of a root the sum of all forms of energy is the same on all streamlines because in a reservoir the energy per unit mass (the sum of pressure and gravitational potential? gh) is the same everywhere. 4 Bernoullis principle can also be derived directly from Newtons 2nd law. If a nonaged volume of fluid is flowing horizontally from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure, therefore there is more pressure behind than in front. This gives a net force on the volume, accelerating it along the streamline. 56 Fluid particles are subject only to pressure and their own weight.If a fluid is flowing horizontally and along a section of a streamline, where the speed increases it can only be because the fluid on that section has moved from a region of higher pressure to a region of lower pressure and if its speed decreases, it can only be because it has m oved from a region of lower pressure to a region of higher pressure. Consequently, within a fluid flowing horizontally, the highest speed occurs where the pressure is lowest, and the lowest speed occurs where the pressure is highest. - Incompressible flow equationIn most flows of liquids, and of gases at lowMach number, the mass immersion of a fluid parcel can be considered to be constant, regardless of pressure variations in the flow. For this reason the fluid in much(prenominal) flows can be considered to be incompressible and these flows can be described as incompressible flow. Bernoulli performed his experiments on liquids and his equation in its original form is valid only for incompressible flow. A common form of Bernoullis equation, valid at anyarbitrarypoint along astreamlinewhere gravity is constant, is where is the fluid flowspeedat a point on a streamline, is theacceleration collectable to gravity, is theelevationof the point above a computer address plane, with the positivez-direction pointing upward so in the direction opposite to the gravitational acceleration, is thepressureat the chosen point, and is thedensityof the fluid at all points in the fluid. For buttoned-up forcefields, Bernoullis equation can be generalized as7 where? is theforce potentialat the point considered on the streamline. E. g. for the Earths gravity? gz. The following 2 assumptions must be met for this Bernoulli equation to apply7 * the fluid must be incompressible even though pressure varies, the density must remain constant along a streamline * friction by viscous forces has to be miserable. By multiplying with the fluid density? , equation (A) can be rewritten as or where isdynamic pressure, is thepiezometric ch conveyorhydraulic head(the sum of the elevationzand thepressure head)89and is the agree pressure(the sum of the static pressurepand dynamic pressureq). 10 The constant in the Bernoulli equation can be normalised. A common approach is in terms o f summation headorenergy headH The above equations suggest there is a flow speed at which pressure is zero, and at even higher speeds the pressure is negative. Most practically, gases and liquids are not capable of negative absolute pressure, or even zero pressure, so clearly Bernoullis equation ceases to be valid in the lead zero pressure is reached. In liquids when the pressure becomes too low cavitationoccurs. The above equations use a linear relationship between flow speed shape and pressure.At higher flow speeds in gases, or forsoundwaves in liquid, the changes in mass density become significant so that the assumption of constant density is invalid Simplified form In many applications of Bernoullis equation, the change in the? gzterm along the streamline is so small compared with the other terms it can be ignored. For example, in the case of aircraft in flight, the change in heightzalong a streamline is so small the? gzterm can be omitted. This allows the above equation to be presented in the following simplified form wherep0is called pith pressure, andqisdynamic pressure. 11Many authors refer to thepressurepasstatic pressureto distinguish it from totality pressurep0anddynamic pressureq. InAerodynamics, L. J. Clancy writes To distinguish it from the total and dynamic pressures, the actual pressure of the fluid, which is associated not with its doing but with its state, is often referred to as the static pressure, but where the term pressure alone is used it refers to this static pressure. 12 The simplified form of Bernoullis equation can be summarized in the following memorable word equation static pressure + dynamic pressure = total pressure12Every point in a steadily flowing fluid, regardless of the fluid speed at that point, has its own unique static pressurepand dynamic pressureq. Their sump+qis defined to be the total pressurep0. The significance of Bernoullis principle can now be summarized astotal pressure is constant along a streamline. If the fluid flow isirrotational, the total pressure on every streamline is the same and Bernoullis principle can be summarized astotal pressure is constant everywhere in the fluid flow. 13It is reasonable to assume that irrotational flow exists in any situation where a rangy body of fluid is flowing past a solid body. Examples are aircraft in flight, and ships moving in open bodies of water. However, it is important to remember that Bernoullis principle does not apply in theboundary layeror in fluid flow through longpipes. If the fluid flow at some point along a stream line is brought to rest, this point is called a stagnation point, and at this point the total pressure is equal to thestagnation pressure.Applicability of incompressible flow equation to flow of gases Bernoullis equation is some clocks valid for the flow of gases provided that there is no transfer of kinetic or potential energy from the gas flow to the compression or expansion of the gas. If both the gas pressure and v olume change simultaneously, then work willing be done on or by the gas. In this case, Bernoullis equation in its incompressible flow form can not be assumed to be valid. However if the gas process is entirelyisobaric, orisochoric, then no work is done on or by the gas, (so the simple energy balance is not upset). accord to the gas law, an isobaric or isochoric process is ordinarily the only way to ensure constant density in a gas. Also the gas density will be proportional to the ratio of pressure and absolutetemperature, however this ratio will vary upon compression or expansion, no matter what non-zero quantity of cacoethes is added or removed. The only exception is if the net heat transfer is zero, as in a complete thermodynamic cycle, or in an individualisentropic(frictionlessadiabatic) process, and even then this reversible process must be reversed, to restore the gas to the original pressure and specific volume, and thus density.Only then is the original, unmodified Bernou lli equation applicable. In this case the equation can be used if the flow speed of the gas is sufficiently below thespeed of sound, such that the variation in density of the gas (due to this effect) along eachstreamlinecan be ignored. Adiabatic flow at less than Mach 0. 3 is generally considered to be slow enough. editUnsteady potential flow The Bernoulli equation for unsteady potential flow is used in the theory ofocean surface wavesandacoustics. For anirrotational flow, theflow velocitycan be described as thegradient f avelocity potential?. In that case, and for a constantdensity? , themomentumequations of theEuler equationscan be integrated to14 which is a Bernoulli equation valid also for unsteady or time dependent flows. Here /? tdenotes thepartial derivativeof the velocity potential? with respect to timet, andv= is the flow speed. The functionf(t) depends only on time and not on position in the fluid. As a result, the Bernoulli equation at some momenttdoes not only apply along a certain streamline, but in the whole fluid domain.This is also true for the special case of a steady irrotational flow, in which casefis a constant. 14 Furtherf(t) can be made equal to zero by incorporating it into the velocity potential using the transformation Note that the relation of the potential to the flow velocity is unaffected by this transformation =. The Bernoulli equation for unsteady potential flow also appears to play a central role inLukes variational principle, a variational description of free-surface flows using theLagrangian(not to be confused withLagrangian coordinates). - editCompressible flow equation Bernoulli developed his principle from his observations on liquids, and his equation is applicable only to incompressible fluids, and compressible fluids at very low speeds (perhaps up to 1/3 of the sound speed in the fluid). It is possible to use the fundamental principles of physics to develop similar equations applicable to compressible fluids. There a re numerous equations, each tailored for a specific application, but all are analogous to Bernoullis equation and all rely on nothing more than the fundamental principles of physics such as Newtons laws of motion or thefirst law of thermodynamics.Compressible flow in fluid dynamics For a compressible fluid, with abarotropicequation of state, and under the action ofconservative forces, 15(constant along a streamline) where pis thepressure ?is thedensity vis theflow speed ?is the potential associated with the conservative force field, often thegravitational potential In engineering situations, elevations are generally small compared to the size of the Earth, and the time scales of fluid flow are small enough to consider the equation of state asadiabatic. In this case, the above equation becomes 16(constant along a streamline) here, in addition to the terms listed above ?is theratio of the specific heatsof the fluid gis the acceleration due to gravity zis the elevation of the point ab ove a reference plane In many applications of compressible flow, changes in elevation are negligible compared to the other terms, so the termgzcan be omitted. A very useful form of the equation is then where p0is thetotal pressure ?0is the total density editCompressible flow in thermodynamics Another useful form of the equation, suitable for use in thermodynamics, is 17Herewis theenthalpyper unit mass, which is also often written ash(not to be confused with head or height). Note thatwhere? is thethermodynamicenergy per unit mass, also known as thespecificinternal energy. The constant on the right hand side is often called the Bernoulli constant and denotedb. For steady inviscidadiabaticflow with no additional sources or sinks of energy,bis constant along any given streamline. More generally, whenbmay vary along streamlines, it still proves a useful parameter, related to the head of the fluid (see below).When the change in? can be ignored, a very useful form of this equation is where w0is total enthalpy. For a calorically perfect gas such as an ideal gas, the enthalpy is directly proportional to the temperature, and this leads to the concept of the total (or stagnation) temperature. When semiconsciousness wavesare present, in areference framein which the shock is stationary and the flow is steady, many of the parameters in the Bernoulli equation suffer abrupt changes in passing through the shock. The Bernoulli parameter itself, however, remains unaffected.An exception to this rule is radiative shocks, which subvert the assumptions leading to the Bernoulli equation, namely the lack of additional sinks or sources of energy. - Real-world application Condensation visible over the upper surface of a wing caused by the boil down in temperatureaccompanyingthe fall in pressure, both due to acceleration of the air. In modern everyday life there are many observations that can be successfully explained by application of Bernoullis principle, even though no real fluid is entirely inviscid21and a small viscosity often has a large effect on the flow. Bernoullis principle can be used to calculate the lift force on an airfoil if the behaviour of the fluid flow in the vicinity of the foil is known. For example, if the air flowing past the top surface of an aircraft wing is moving faster than the air flowing past the back end surface, then Bernoullis principle implies that thepressureon the surfaces of the wing will be lower above than below. This pressure difference results in an upwardslift force. nb 122Whenever the distribution of speed past the top and bottom surfaces of a wing is known, the lift forces can be calculated (to a good approximation) using Bernoullis equations23 open up by Bernoulli over a century before the first man-made wings were used for the purpose of flight. Bernoullis principle does not explain why the air flows faster past the top of the wing and slower past the underside. To understand why, it is helpful to understandcirculati on, theKutta condition, and theKuttaJoukowski theorem. Thecarburetorused in many reciprocating engines contains aventurito bring into being a region of low pressure to draw fuel into the carburetor and mix it thoroughly with the incoming air. The low pressure in the throat of a venturi can be explained by Bernoullis principle in the narrow throat, the air is moving at its fastest speed and therefore it is at its lowest pressure. * ThePitot tobacco pipeandstatic porton an aircraft are used to determine theairspeedof the aircraft. These two devices are connected to theairspeed indicatorwhich determines thedynamic pressureof the airflow past the aircraft. propellent pressure is the difference betweenstagnation pressureandstatic pressure. Bernoullis principle is used to calibrate the airspeed indicator so that it displays theindicated airspeedappropriate to the dynamic pressure. 24 * The flow speed of a fluid can be measured using a device such as aVenturi meteror anorifice plate, whi ch can be located into a pipeline to reduce the diameter of the flow. For a horizontal device, thecontinuity equationshows that for an incompressible fluid, the reduction in diameter will cause an increase in the fluid flow speed.Subsequently Bernoullis principle then shows that there must be a decrease in the pressure in the decrease diameter region. This phenomenon is known as theVenturi effect. * The maximum possible drain rate for a tank with a hole or tap at the ungenerous can be calculated directly from Bernoullis equation, and is found to be proportional to the square root of the height of the fluid in the tank. This isTorricellis law, showing that Torricellis law is matched with Bernoullis principle. Viscositylowers this drain rate. This is reflected in the discharge coefficient, which is a function of the Reynolds number and the shape of the orifice. 25 * In open-channel hydraulics, a detailed analysis of the Bernoulli theorem and its extension were recently (2009) deve loped. 26It was prove that the depth-averaged specific energy reaches a minimum in converging accelerating free-surface flow over weirs and flumes (also2728). Further, in general, a channel control with minimum specific energy in curvilinear flow is not isolated from water waves, as customary state in open-channel hydraulics. * TheBernoulli griprelies on this principle to create a non-contact adhesive force between a surface and the gripper. edit
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